In March of 1989 the Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound in Alaska, spilling some 10,8 million gallons of crude oil and ruining lives and fishing for decades. Initially Exxon was fined $287 million dollars in compensatory damages and $5 billion dollars in punitive damages for their gross negligence. That punitive award was reduced to $2.5 billion on appeal. Exxon then went to the right wing supreme court and in 2008, the supreme court capped the punitive damages at $507 MILLION dollars. They were also later fined an additional $408 million dollars to cover interest. So for a total of $1.2 billion dollars, Exxon got by with destroying the Prince William Sound fisheries.
On April 20, 2010 it has happened again. An oil platform in the gulf of Mexico, just 40 miles off the coast of Louisiana caught fire and sank, killing 11 workers and spilling some 200,000 gallons of oil PER DAY into the gulf. It has now reached the shoreline and it is estimated it will surpass the Exxon Valdez spill of 10.8 million gallons.
What has the Wasilla hillbilly, half term governor, drill baby drill queen have to say about this latest disaster???? NOTHING! Total silence from her imbecilic facebook page that someone else writes for her. Believe me, the words...Drill Baby Drill won't be spewed from that facelifted mouth again anytime soon. Even this moron knows when to back off of a stupid statement she has repeated over and over.
Love Bugs
I love this picture of David and I. I love the gray in David's beard and
the blue in my eyes. I love how comfortable we look in each other's
presence. ...
1 year ago