Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something

Friday, April 30, 2010


In March of 1989 the Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound in Alaska, spilling some 10,8 million gallons of crude oil and ruining lives and fishing for decades. Initially Exxon was fined $287 million dollars in compensatory damages and $5 billion dollars in punitive damages for their gross negligence. That punitive award was reduced to $2.5 billion on appeal. Exxon then went to the right wing supreme court and in 2008, the supreme court capped the punitive damages at $507 MILLION dollars. They were also later fined an additional $408 million dollars to cover interest. So for a total of $1.2 billion dollars, Exxon got by with destroying the Prince William Sound fisheries.

On April 20, 2010 it has happened again. An oil platform in the gulf of Mexico, just 40 miles off the coast of Louisiana caught fire and sank, killing 11 workers and spilling some 200,000 gallons of oil PER DAY into the gulf. It has now reached the shoreline and it is estimated it will surpass the Exxon Valdez spill of 10.8 million gallons.

What has the Wasilla hillbilly, half term governor, drill baby drill queen have to say about this latest disaster???? NOTHING! Total silence from her imbecilic facebook page that someone else writes for her. Believe me, the words...Drill Baby Drill won't be spewed from that facelifted mouth again anytime soon. Even this moron knows when to back off of a stupid statement she has repeated over and over.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Palin speak

The sunshine in Boston yesterday must have baked Sarah Palin's brain. She said "I'm not calling anyone un-American, but the unintended consequences of these actions -- the results -- are un-American." Of course she then did not explain what the hell she was talking about.

Well Palin, I think it is un-american of you to proclaim that the President has raised taxes when he has in fact lowered them. It is un-american of you to say we are less secure under this president when he just signed a start agreement with Russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons both countries have stockpiled. It is un-american of you to say that your family is pro-american when it was your husband who was a member of the Alaska Independent Party for seven years. It is un-american of you to profess that you love the state of Alaska and all of it's glory when it was you who pushed a law to slaughter wolf pups in their dens by gassing them. It was un-american of you to suggest, while you served your half term as governor, that the alaskan villages, many of which have been in existance for 300 years, consolidate so you wouldn't have to spend money to support them. It was VERY un-american of you to take an oath of office as Governor to serve four years and then QUIT after only serving a little over two years so you could CASH in on your notoriety.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


GRIFTER...definition...A grifter is someone who swindles you through deception or fraud.

Know anyone that fits that definition? How about Sarah Palin? A person who, without her good looks, would never have been elected Mayor of Wasilla AK or Governor of AK. As Chris Matthews once observed, this person is an empty vessel who speaks word salad and talking points. To that end, in all her political life she has never been in a real debate. The reason...she would show herself to be a fraud. She set up a phony trust in Alaska to "help pay her legal fees" when she was Governor. Almost a year after she quit her job, this trust is still accepting contributions and has never had an audit of where the money is going.

The book "Going Rogue" that was ghost written for her, has at last count, 32 lies in it. for that, she has made over $2 million dollars. Can you say..gullible palinbots?

A report this morning read that she has made 12 million dollars since walking away from the Governor's office, a position she promised to hold for 4 years. This same report talks of her sarcasm laden speeches and her ever dwindling poll numbers even among Republicans.

Yes my firends...example A of a grifter is the quitter from Wasilla...SARAH PALIN

Monday, April 12, 2010

Replublicans cave

A cloture vote was defeated this evening on extending unemployment benefits. It now goes to the senate for a vote and will pass handily. Frankly, I hope this is the last time this is done. I believe many people are taking advantage of this, in fact I know of one for sure. He sits on his butt, won't look for work and is drawing $300/wk unemployment. In addition, he draws $400/mo in food stamps so this guy is making #1200/mo and will not look for work until he no longer can draw unemployment.

The Immoral Minority: Palin comes in distant third in SRLC straw poll which also points to giant fissure in Republican party.

The Immoral Minority: Palin comes in distant third in SRLC straw poll which also points to giant fissure in Republican party.

The Immoral Minority: How to render Sarah Palin speechless.

The Immoral Minority: How to render Sarah Palin speechless.


As I stated in my profile, I am a political junkie. What I didn't say and want to make clear to any readers that might stop by is ...I am a life long Democrat, liberal on social issues, conservative on fiscal issues and patriotic on National security issues.

In that light, I believe George Bush, in concert with the Democrats put this country on the verge of bankruptcy. With the near doubling of the national debt in his eight years as president, he fundamentally changed this country forever. For President Obama, a man I voted for, to be following some of the same policies as G.W. Bush fiscally, is sickening. We are on an unsustainable path fiscally in this country and NO ONE seems to have the answer to change it. Spending must be cut, programs eliminated, and taxes RAISED. Yes...RAISED. It is disgusting that corporations like Exxon/Mobile and Boeing pay NO taxes. It is disgusting that corporations continue to set up off shore offices as nothing but a drop site so they get around paying taxes on income earned in this country.

There has been much ballyho about deficits and debts and who did what when. The fact is, in the 1990's when Bill Clinton was President, he presided over a budget that had a $236 billion dollar surplus when he left office. Of course what isn't said, is that the surplus mentioned came with a Republican congress and the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was authored by John Kasich, a Republican from Ohio, and Chairman of the House Budget Committee. Can you imagine....Republicans and Democrats working together....what a concept!

Of course in the vitriolic days we now witness, such a thing is all but impossible. Hate radio, hate TV, the fringe groups, the upsurge in militias and hate groups have taken their tole on political discourse. What a shame for our country. A country I love and a country I served for 20 years in the Navy during the Vietnam era.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Welcome to my brand new blog. I have thought about this for a long time and finally took the first step. Hopefully as time passes I will draw some readers and fellow bloggers, if not, well, it's been fun to set it up and see my first writings published.