As I stated in my profile, I am a political junkie. What I didn't say and want to make clear to any readers that might stop by is ...I am a life long Democrat, liberal on social issues, conservative on fiscal issues and patriotic on National security issues.
In that light, I believe George Bush, in concert with the Democrats put this country on the verge of bankruptcy. With the near doubling of the national debt in his eight years as president, he fundamentally changed this country forever. For President Obama, a man I voted for, to be following some of the same policies as G.W. Bush fiscally, is sickening. We are on an unsustainable path fiscally in this country and NO ONE seems to have the answer to change it. Spending must be cut, programs eliminated, and taxes RAISED. Yes...RAISED. It is disgusting that corporations like Exxon/Mobile and Boeing pay NO taxes. It is disgusting that corporations continue to set up off shore offices as nothing but a drop site so they get around paying taxes on income earned in this country.
There has been much ballyho about deficits and debts and who did what when. The fact is, in the 1990's when Bill Clinton was President, he presided over a budget that had a $236 billion dollar surplus when he left office. Of course what isn't said, is that the surplus mentioned came with a Republican congress and the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was authored by John Kasich, a Republican from Ohio, and Chairman of the House Budget Committee. Can you imagine....Republicans and Democrats working together....what a concept!
Of course in the vitriolic days we now witness, such a thing is all but impossible. Hate radio, hate TV, the fringe groups, the upsurge in militias and hate groups have taken their tole on political discourse. What a shame for our country. A country I love and a country I served for 20 years in the Navy during the Vietnam era.
Love Bugs
I love this picture of David and I. I love the gray in David's beard and
the blue in my eyes. I love how comfortable we look in each other's
presence. ...
1 year ago
Senator Coburn lost his bid to sidetrack the extension of unemployment benefits this afternoon. A cloture vote failed so now it will go to the full Senate for a vote and probably pass by a substantial margin. Even though this is probably necessary to do in these high unemployment times, there are people definitely taking advantage of it. There is one person I know that sits on his ass, won't look for a job , is drawing over $300/week and now has another extension. In addition he is drawing over $400/mo in food stamps. Something not right with that.