Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Palin speak

The sunshine in Boston yesterday must have baked Sarah Palin's brain. She said "I'm not calling anyone un-American, but the unintended consequences of these actions -- the results -- are un-American." Of course she then did not explain what the hell she was talking about.

Well Palin, I think it is un-american of you to proclaim that the President has raised taxes when he has in fact lowered them. It is un-american of you to say we are less secure under this president when he just signed a start agreement with Russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons both countries have stockpiled. It is un-american of you to say that your family is pro-american when it was your husband who was a member of the Alaska Independent Party for seven years. It is un-american of you to profess that you love the state of Alaska and all of it's glory when it was you who pushed a law to slaughter wolf pups in their dens by gassing them. It was un-american of you to suggest, while you served your half term as governor, that the alaskan villages, many of which have been in existance for 300 years, consolidate so you wouldn't have to spend money to support them. It was VERY un-american of you to take an oath of office as Governor to serve four years and then QUIT after only serving a little over two years so you could CASH in on your notoriety.

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