GRIFTER...definition...A grifter is someone who swindles you through deception or fraud.
Know anyone that fits that definition? How about Sarah Palin? A person who, without her good looks, would never have been elected Mayor of Wasilla AK or Governor of AK. As Chris Matthews once observed, this person is an empty vessel who speaks word salad and talking points. To that end, in all her political life she has never been in a real debate. The reason...she would show herself to be a fraud. She set up a phony trust in Alaska to "help pay her legal fees" when she was Governor. Almost a year after she quit her job, this trust is still accepting contributions and has never had an audit of where the money is going.
The book "Going Rogue" that was ghost written for her, has at last count, 32 lies in it. for that, she has made over $2 million dollars. Can you say..gullible palinbots?
A report this morning read that she has made 12 million dollars since walking away from the Governor's office, a position she promised to hold for 4 years. This same report talks of her sarcasm laden speeches and her ever dwindling poll numbers even among Republicans.
Yes my firends...example A of a grifter is the quitter from Wasilla...SARAH PALIN
Love Bugs
I love this picture of David and I. I love the gray in David's beard and
the blue in my eyes. I love how comfortable we look in each other's
presence. ...
1 year ago
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