Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Three year old in Anchorage dead.

Gryphen has a story on the Immoral Minority blog concerning a three year old boy who picked up a gun laying on a TV stand in his home and killed himself.  A similar thing happened to a good friend of mine in Washington State.  His eight year old picked up a gun his dad had laid on the coffee table and was showing his friend when the gun discharged and killed his friend.  Yes it's devastating to all the families concerned but these negligent parents have to be brought to justice.  It's easy to say...they have suffered enough but how else does society get the message across that you are responsible for that weapon and all that goes with it.

At the time of the incident I referred to in Washington, the man responsible for leaving the weapon where an eight year old could pick it up was charged with careless use of a weapon, a misdemeanor, and was fined $100.  Since then, the law has been changed and it is now a felony to carelessly leave a weapon where a minor has access to it.  I don't know what the law is in Alaska but I would be very surprised if it is severe.

I don't care if some macho man wants to strap six shooters on and prance around like he owns the world but he also needs to know that if his weapon that he is responsible for injures an innocent person, he will pay the consequences.

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Joe Vogler wannabe

So the lieing grifter has told another lie. Add it to hundreds already told. The real danger is not her but the Palinbots that worship her. It's time Levi Johnson wrote a book and exposed this disgusting narcissist. There is no room in this country for the likes of the hatred she spews in her speeches. I believe she worships at the alter of the founder of the Alaskan Independent Party, Joe Vogler who once said, "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government".

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The grifter from Wasilla has another book coming out...god save us.  It is titled America by heart, Reflections of Family Faith and Flag.   I think I'm getting sickThis from a woman who couldn't name one supreme court decision, thought Africa was a country, couldn't name one newspaper that she read and thought the first amendment to the constitution was put there to protect her FROM the press.  Hasn't she about run out of lies?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Alaska'a Loss

Wally Hickel, two time Governor of Alaska passed away Friday.  Great loss for the state and the country.  Born in Ellinwood Kansas in 1919, Mr. Hickel arrived in Alaska in 1940.  He served two FULL terms as Governor unlike the Wasilla grifter, who he initially supported in her runup for Governor.  His statement a couple of years ago when asked about what he thought of the way she was Governing says it all...."I don't give a damn about Sarah Palin".

Friday, May 7, 2010

So the quitter thinks this is a Christian country.  Guess she would be surprised to learn that many of our founding fathers were NOT Christians but deists.  The Constitution NEVER mentions the word God  but hey...Sarah the word salad queen has never been hampered by facts.  By the way Sarah do you know where your 18 year old daughter was last Saturday night??  Yes Bristol, after promoting abstinence, family values and all of those other hypocritical ideas she promotes was seen in a after hours OVER 21 club in NYC.  This was the same night that Willow was dancing up a storm at her high school prom in Wasilla while Mom was ???   

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Palin stupidity!

The following was just posted on quitter's tweet

Gulf: learn from Alaska's lesson w/foreign oil co's: don't naively trust- VERIFY. Livelihood affected by spill?Don't sign away remedy rights.

There are two problems with that statement. Exxon/Mobile that spilled millions of gallons of oil in Prince William sound is NOT A FOREIGN OIL COMPANY and BP, a British Oil Company employeed one Todd Palin for 18 years. Oh yah, one other thing, one of the companies envolved with the Gulf spill was.....Halliburton, dick Cheney's old company and an American company

This woman's stupidity NEVER FAILS TO AMAZE ME!
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Letter to the editor

This is a letter I posted to our local paper on April 16th, 2010. I t was finally published today May 5th, 2010. Yes our paper, La Crosse Tribune is just a little slooooooow, unless you are a Republican.

Letter to the Editor
La Crosse Tribune
401 3rd street
La Crosse WI. 54601

April 16, 2010

Dear Sir,

There were so many misrepresentations in the letter written by Phil Miles and Dennis Olson, it would be difficult to respond to all of them in one letter, but I will try.

First..The claim that President Obama is a Socialist is ridiculous. Even the Socialists say so. Frank Llewellyn, national director of the Democratic Socialists of America says Obama is far from being a Socialist. However, I will agree there are Socialist programs within our government. Medicare, Social Security, Veteran Administration Health Care, Public Education and even the Military itself are all programs owned, at least partially, by the Government. I wonder which of these Miles and Olson would like to see eliminated? Llewellyn also states, that of the candidates running for office in 2008 there was one that stands out as having instituted a socialist program. That would be Sarah Palin, when she imposed a winfall profit tax on the oil companies in Alaska, then turned around and gave the money directly to the population of Alaska.

Second..The charge of racism is easily proven by watching clips of the tea party gatherings. What purpose do signs of President Obama made up to look like the joker serve? How about signs showing him as Hitler or the disgusting slogans on some of them. They serve to demean the person in office and nothing more.

Your statement that the health care bill does not immediately cover those with pre-existing conditions or young people under the ager of 26 on their parents policies is just flat wrong. Young adults under the age of 26 are mandated to be covered within six months after enactment of the bill. The elimination of exclusions for Children with pre-existing conditions is mandated within six months after enactment and for adults by 2014 just as the President stated. My question to you is have YOU read the bill. I have. Further, your statement that 47% of doctors have said they will quit under this health care bill is totally misleading. The survey that you reference was taken in December of 2009. The doctors in question were against the public option because they thought it would restrict or reduce their income. As you well know, there is no public option in the health care bill and there has been no survey done since its recent passage.

Last..Your non-sense statement about Fox news being unbiased. Can you say with a straight face that people like Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Greta Vansusteran are "unbiased"? It has gotten to the point where the Republican Party takes their talking points from Fox News just as you seem to. For sure there is bias on the other networks. That's just the way our country is these days and I think we are all poorer for it. Discourse is one thing but the level of vitriol now witnessed on both sides is deplorable and can easily lead us down a path violence

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Great week-end with my son Ron, his daughter Alisa, her husband David and their three boys, Levi, Brigham and Hyrum.